Polybag Handling System Solutions
Many eCommerce fulfillment operations have increased the number of orders they ship in plastic and paper bags. The bags are less expensive than cartons and do not incur dimensional weight surcharges from parcel carriers.
Need an Expert Opinion?
Conveyco has developed reliable and cost-effective solutions to help our clients realize these savings. Our expertise ranges from integrated order fulfillment solutions that incorporate automated bagging technologies to conveyor systems that manifest and sort bagged orders. Whether you ship 2,000 or 50,000 orders per day, we have solutions that can help you reduce packaging and labor costs, order cycle time, and parcel freight rates.
Polybags can be difficult to handle
So they need to be accumulated, merged, and sorted to eliminate labor associated with packing and shipping. Our proven solutions minimize space and maximize throughput to provide the lowest cost per order shipped. We evaluate your specific business and operational needs to help you find where your fulfillment operation can improve efficiency and reduce costs. Then we develop the design using the best available technology called our RightFit solution.